West Point Grey United Church

Mission and Service Fund

During our annual fund raising campaign for WPGUC, the congregation has the opportunity to designate part of their donation to the United Church Mission and Service Fund. United Church people across the country join together to share what we can with people and places in need through a unified fund called Mission and Service. We share our resources with three goals in mind: 

Truth and Reconciliation

Since 2013 and the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s cross-Canada tour and visitations, our Congregation has been committed to Reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbours. Our efforts include education and important observances:

We invite everyone to participate with us on this important journey in our country’s and church’s history. Call the Church Office 604-224-4388 to obtain more information.

Refugee Settlement

West Point Grey United Church teams with three other United Churches and the Point Grey Mennonite Fellowship to raise sponsorship funds and to assist with settling refugee newcomers into life in the Lower Mainland. To date, we have sponsored about 56 people from 9 countries and have applications to sponsor another 10 people in process. If you would like to find out more, please contact the church office at 604-224-4388.

First United Church

Located on the Downtown Eastside, First United has  long been a centre providing support to the homeless people in the area.  The church has provided warm clothes, hot meals, and shelter space.  West Point Grey United Church has been a strong supporter of First United for many years.  We are committed to providing 3000 pairs of new socks every year and have contributed substantially to First United’s new building fund as they construct a new, modern building to improve the services they offer to the surrounding community.  

Affirming for LGBTQ2S+

West Point Grey United Church is committed to being a safe and welcoming community for all. As part of our ongoing social justice work, the Affirming Committee guides our congregation in learning about LGBTQ2SIA+ issues, advocating for equality, and finding ways to make our church more inclusive. Our goal is to join the network of Affirming Ministries who work for the full inclusion of people of all gender identities and sexual orientations in the United Church of Canada and in society. For more information about Affirm United and the Affirming Ministries program visit https://affirmunited.ause.ca/