Dec 1 Advent 1
† Advent blue candle lighting (Hope)
Welcome to Advent, a new season of hope, anticipation, and preparation.
† Communion
Dec 8 Advent 2
† Advent blue candle lighting (Peace)
† Decorating Christmas Tree with Prayer Doves and Socks
† Monthly Community Lunch
Dec 15 Advent 3
† Advent pink candle lighting (Joy)
† Decorating the Christmas Tree and Preparing the Manger
† Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols
Dec 21 The Longest Night
A special service celebrating the longest night with prayers, reflection, and carols
at 7 pm.
Dec 22 Advent 4
† Advent blue candle lighting (Love)
† Clothing the Manger
Dec 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
5 pm. † Family service with a Christmas carol sing-along,
the Christmas story, and candle lighting.
11 pm. † Christmas Eve service with reflection, Communion
and candle lighting.
Dec 29 Year-End Sunday Service
† Carols, reflection, and prayers.
West Point Grey United Church
Sunday worship service at 10:30 am
website: www.wpguc.com
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2250992372